When Should You Hire An Elder Abuse Lawyer In Savannah?

If you are a loved one of an elderly person and have concerns that they are being abused or neglected, it is important to know when to hire an elder abuse lawyer. While there are times when you can address the situation yourself, there may come a time when you need legal help to protect your loved one. This guide will help you determine when it is time to seek legal assistance and we will provide you with some tips on how to find the best elder abuse lawyer in Savannah.

What Is Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is any kind of mistreatment that causes harm or threatens the health and well-being of an older person. Unfortunately, elder abuse is a growing problem. Most cases of elder abuse are committed by a family member or other caregiver.

Unfortunately, many cases of elder abuse go unreported. If you suspect that someone you know is being abused, it's important to speak up.

What Are The Kinds Of Elder Abuse

There are five main types of elder abuse: physical, sexual, emotional, financial, and neglect.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is the intentional use of force against an elderly person that results in bodily injury, pain, or impairment. This type of abuse can include hitting, shoving, kicking, burning, or restraining a senior.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is any type of non-consensual sexual contact with an elderly person. This includes unwanted touching, forced sex acts, or exposing an elder to sexual content without their consent.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is any kind of behavior that causes psychological distress to an elderly person. This can include name-calling, shaming, threatening, manipulating, or otherwise causing emotional harm.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is the illegal or unauthorized use of an elderly person's money or property. This can include stealing cash or possessions, forging checks or documents, pressuring seniors to sign over power of attorney, or exploiting an elderly person's resources for personal gain.


Neglect is the failure to provide the necessities of life to an elderly person. This can include food and water, shelter and clothing, access to necessary medical care, or personal hygiene assistance. Neglect can also refer to self-neglect, which is when an elderly person fails to take care of their own basic needs.

How To Prevent Elder Abuse In Savannah

There are many ways to prevent elder abuse in Savannah, but these are five of the most important.

1. Educate yourself and others about what elder abuse is and how to recognize it.

2. Be aware of the signs of elder abuse and know who to contact if you suspect something is happening.

3. Report any suspicions or concerns you have to the proper authorities.

4. Support organizations and initiatives that work to prevent elder abuse.

5. Speak up if you witness elder abuse taking place.

Elder abuse is a serious problem, but it is one that we can all help to prevent. By educating ourselves and others, we can make a difference in the lives of older adults in our community.

What Indicates Elder Abuse And How To Spot It

One of the most important things we can do as a society is to protect our elderly citizens from abuse. Though elder abuse can take many forms, some common indicators may signal that something is wrong. Here are five ways to spot elder abuse.

1. Unexplained Bruises Or Injuries

If an elderly person has bruises or injuries that cannot be explained, it may be a sign of physical abuse.

2. Sudden Weight Loss

Sudden, unexplained weight loss can be a sign of neglect or emotional abuse.

3. Changes In Mood Or Behavior

If an elderly person suddenly becomes withdrawn or uncharacteristically angry, it may be a sign that they are being emotionally abused.

4. Financial Exploitation

If an elderly person is suddenly unable to pay bills or buy necessities, it may be a sign that they are being financially exploited.

5. Isolation

If an elderly person is suddenly cut off from family and friends, it may be a sign that they are being isolated by their abuser.

If you suspect that an elderly person is being abused, it is important to report it to the authorities so that they can investigate and take action to protect the victim. Abuse of any kind is unacceptable, and we all have a responsibility to do what we can to prevent it.

When You Should Hire An Elder Abuse Lawyer

Many people are not sure when they should hire an elder abuse lawyer. Here are 5 instances when you should.

1. If you have been the victim of elder abuse, whether it is physical, emotional, or financial abuse, you may want to consider legal action. An experienced lawyer can help you navigate the complicated process of filing a lawsuit and seek the compensation you deserve.

2. If you witness elder abuse, whether it is happening to a family member, friend, or neighbor, you may be able to take legal action on their behalf. An elder abuse lawyer can help you understand your options and take appropriate steps to protect the victim.

3. If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of elder abuse, an experienced lawyer can help you take steps to protect them. This may include filing for a restraining order or taking other legal action.

4. If you are an administrator or employee of a nursing home or other facility that provides care for elders, you may be liable for negligence if elder abuse occurs on your watch. An experienced lawyer can help you ensure that your facility complies with all state and federal regulations intended to prevent Elder Abuse.

5. If you are accused of elder abuse, whether it is physical, emotional, or financial abuse, it is essential to contact a lawyer immediately. An experienced lawyer can help you navigate the criminal justice system and defend your rights.

What Other Cases Can An Elder Abuse Attorney Handle

An elder abuse attorney can handle a wide variety of cases, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, financial abuse, neglect, and more. If you suspect that your loved one is being abused, it's important to reach out for help.

If you have been involved in a car accident and the other driver is your abuser, you may be wondering if an elder abuse lawyer can still help you. The answer is yes. An experienced attorney can help you get the compensation you deserve, even if you were fleeing from your abuser at the time of the car accident.

Your lawyer will work with law enforcement and prosecutors to build a strong case against the abuser and help ensure that they are held accountable for their actions. If you have been injured in a car accident, don't hesitate to contact an elder abuse lawyer to discuss your case.

How An Elder Abuse Lawyer Helps When Seniors Are Abused

An elder abuse attorney can help to protect the rights of seniors and ensure that they receive the justice they deserve. Here are five ways an elder abuse attorney in Savannah can help.

1. Investigate the claims of abuse and gather evidence.

2. File a lawsuit on behalf of the victim.

3. Negotiate with the abuser or their insurance company.

4. Obtain a restraining order to keep the abuser away from the victim.

5. Represent the victim in court.

If you suspect that a loved one is being abused, do not hesitate to contact an elder abuse attorney who can help them get the justice they deserve.

Contact An Elder Abuse Lawyer In Savannah

Elder abuse is never acceptable. If you suspect that someone you know is being abused and you notice some signs of abuse, please don't hesitate to contact law enforcement or an elder abuse lawyer.

Hiring an elder abuse lawyer in Savannah may be one of the best decisions you ever make if you suspect that your elderly loved one is being abused. Abuse of any kind is unacceptable, and no one deserves to be treated this way, especially not our elderly citizens. An experienced attorney from The Brown Firm can help to investigate the claims of abuse and gather evidence to build a strong case against the abuser.

The Brown Firm has extensive experience in elder abuse cases and can provide the support you need during this difficult time. They are here to fight for your loved one's rights and get them the justice they deserve. If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact them today.

Geoffrey Rossow
Geoffrey Rossow

Amateur bacon expert. Incurable beer buff. Social media scholar. Avid food trailblazer. Hardcore beer practitioner.

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